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As women, patience is often a virtue that we are called to embrace. We are taught to be patient in our relationships, our careers, and our faith. But when it comes to fertility, patience can be especially difficult to practice. When trying to conceive, it is natural to feel anxious, frustrated and overwhelmed. We want to be mothers, and we want it to happen now. But God calls us to be patient and to trust in His timing. He knows what is best for us, and He will provide us with the perfect child in His perfect timing.

The Bible is full of examples of God's faithfulness in providing children to those who are patient and trust in Him. Abraham and Sarah waited a long time to conceive, but God eventually blessed them with Isaac. Rachel waited many years to conceive, and God provided her with Joseph. Elizabeth, who was barren, was blessed with John the Baptist. We can take comfort in knowing that God is faithful and will provide us with children in His perfect timing. We can trust that He is working all things together for our good. We can also take comfort in knowing that He is with us in our waiting. He is our refuge and strength, and He will provide us with the strength to endure the waiting. When we are feeling anxious, frustrated, and overwhelmed, we can turn to God in prayer. We can ask Him for patience and strength, and we can ask Him for the perfect child in His perfect timing. We can trust that He will provide us with the perfect child in His perfect timing if it is His will. God is faithful and He will provide us with children in His perfect timing or He may provide children in our lives, "nieces and nephews, friends children, etc". We can trust in His faithfulness and be patient in our waiting. We can trust that He is with us in our waiting, and He will provide us with the strength to endure.

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