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I know Father's Day has passed recently, but it is still the month of June and I figure why not celebrate the fathers in our lives all month long.  You know it has often been said that anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a daddy.  At the age of almost 42 I still call my father, daddy.  My children call their father, daddy.  It makes me think of the endearing term for our Heavenly Father, Abba.  

So, what is a daddy?  Upon some research, the term daddy goes back to the 17th century to describe a male figure of influence.  The word "abba" is defined as used by Jesus and Paul to address God in a relation of personal intimacy.

A personal relationship is what I think about when I think about having a daddy.  Someone to call when you need to ask a serious question.  Someone's arms to run to when you are afraid.  The person who you call when you are in trouble or have a flat tire on the side of the road.

A daddy is a provider, a confidant, a role model, a friend, an influencer, a disciplinarian, and so much more.  

In Scripture there is one time that Jesus called out to Abba as Father here, 

And He was saying, “Abba! Father! All things are possible for You; remove this cup from Me; yet not what I will, but what You will.” Mark 14:36 This was during the time he was hanging on the cross for our sins he called out to his daddy. 

As a wife, I am so thankful that my children don't just have a father, they have a daddy.  When my children were small I watched my husband play tractors and paint fingernails and as my children have gotten older I've seen him teach them to drive and how to change a flat tire.  

Ultimately as a mother looking in at the role of a Father the most important thing that I have seen both my daddy and my husband and the daddy of my children do is lead by example.  That is what I believe that a Godly daddy does.  

That is what as parents we are instructed in Scripture to do as well. Ephesians 6:4, says “Nurture them in the discipline and instruction of the Lord." 

If that is what the father in your life is doing be thankful and be sure to call him "daddy".  



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