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Around this time last year, the Unashamed Recovery Podcast partnered with Rise Up Christian Counseling and started this blog. Needless to say over this past year it has been neglected to say the least. So let's try this again shall we? 

In case you're not familar with who we are, the Unashamed Recovery Podcast was started in 2019 by Josh Hollingshead. For Season 2, Drew Smith was added as Co-Host. Currently we have just started Season 3. We are a podcast with one goal, to break the shame and stigma of addiction and recovery by sharing real stories of real addiction from real people in real recovery and sobriety. We share testimonies of how people overcame addiction and where it led them and what they are doing to stay sober. We also have topic themed episodes where we focus on a specific recovery/sobriety related theme or topic and go in to deep discussion about it. We are a Christian Recovery podcast and most topics are through a biblical lense. Even though we are a Christian Recovery Podcast, we support all means of recovery/sobriety that rescues a person from addiction. 

As we begin this journey, we look forward digging in deep into our recovery journey, building our faith and strengthening our sobriety with each of you. 

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