Commands of Christ

Week 1: "Love One Another"

In this first sermon, we will delve into Christ's command to love one another. We'll explore the depth and breadth of His love for us and how we are called to reflect that love in our interactions with others. Through scripture and practical examples, we'll discover how this foundational command transforms our relationships and strengthens our Christian community.

Week 2: "Follow Me"

This week, we focus on Christ's call to follow Him. We'll examine what it means to truly follow Jesus, not just in words but in our daily actions and decisions. We'll look at the lives of the disciples and other biblical figures who exemplified this commitment, inspiring us to surrender fully to His leading in our lives.

Week 3: "Go and Make Disciples"

In this sermon, we will explore the Great Commission. We'll discuss the importance of sharing our faith and making disciples, as Jesus commanded. We'll learn practical ways to evangelize and disciple others, emphasizing the role each of us plays in spreading the gospel and growing the Kingdom of God.

Week 4: "Abide in Me"

In the final sermon of the series, we will reflect on Jesus' command to abide in Him. We'll delve into the meaning of abiding and how it fosters a deep, sustaining relationship with Christ. Through this teaching, we'll discover the spiritual nourishment and strength that comes from remaining connected to Him, enabling us to bear fruit in our lives.

Join us for this enlightening series as we unpack the commands of Christ, learning to live more fully as His disciples and drawing closer to Him each day.